K-3 Bienvenidos Book Club
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
On this page, the authors of Bienvenidos Book Club will continue to share new and innovative instructional approaches for welcoming and centering the voices of immigrant students and their families in the K-3 English/Language Arts curriculum. Consider this page a growing neighborhood of resources for teachers and parents of multilingual learners.
Before you read further, learn more about the program here!
A sample book display of
read alouds/mentor texts used with the Bienvenidos Book Club
Additional Resources
A Focus on Morphology
Before you become anxious about morphology and mastering all of the minimal units of our language, breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that even the experts argue that there is no prescribed scope and sequence as to what instruction with morphology should look like. However, this deeper look into word structure will allow you to breathe new life into existing read alouds, mini-lessons, and ways of differentiating instruction for learners. While the Bienvenidos Book Club lessons address the interests of students in grades K-3, the links below will share additional insights regarding inflectional suffixes, word histories, and affixes.
Best of all, we demonstrate how even just considering three ways of zooming in on morphology could enhance lessons at any grade level. Let’s take a look at Lesson 1 from Unit 1 (Names) to get started!
Names-In this theme, lessons are focused on the importance of names, including their pronunciations and origins. Students are introduced to the significance of names in this community-building activity that launches the book club.
…now let’s intentionally focus on language!
The first book launching the Bienvenidos Book Club